27 December 2005

Don't look down!

So here I am, riding a chair lift with a guy who had pulled the safety bar down so fast I barely had time to adjust my ample ass. There's one other guy on the lift, but he's busy negotiating some real estate deal on his cell phone, so I decide to exchange the standard pleasantries with the slammer.

"Hey, how ya doin', nice day"
"Yeah, yeah"

He seemed a little nervous, edgy, whatever, which I normally take to mean the guy doesn't really want to talk. I know this because that's usually the way I respond when cornered on a chair lift with some weirdo. And by "weirdo", I mean everyone except my clones.

So I drop the small talk and go back to rock'n to my iPod in peace. But then he starts talking again. Talking up a storm, actually. Turns out his a Brit and he lives in Atlanta and he's visiting his brother-in-law and he finds the mountain to be very beautiful. And now here's the kicker: he's afraid of heights! And yes, yes indeed - he's gripping the safety bar with both hands as if it was his last best hope of survival.

He's on a chair lift. On a mountain. And he's afraid of heights.

Also spotted today: not one, but two women wearing stretch pants tucked into their boots and skiing on pencil thin skis.

As far as the skiing details go, there was about 8 inches of fresh snow. But it was a little heavy and on the lower third of the mountain it had mostly turned into that sort of solid kind of hard snow. Not exactly ice, not exactly hard pack. You know what I mean.

Skiing on weekends and holiday weeks kind of sucks. Really, weekday skiing is THE way to go. All the damn weekend skiers were out in force, and it was like playing Frogger - in Grand Master mode. No lift lines, though, just a bunch of crazy people.

I didn't get a lot of skiing in. I had a couple of errands to run before I could head down in the morning. And for some reason, I was getting tired. I guess that's from not skiing for a week? A week ago I was ripping, up and down. Not today, though. Maybe something to do with my terrain choice. I spent most of my time today on one bumped up blue run. It was pretty much empty and had nice soft bumps. And that's an area I really want to work on.

More snow moving in tomorrow.

December 27th, Days skied: 11


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