04 December 2005

Weekend Warriors

Overheard in the ski lodge men's room today:

Dad: "Take out your weiner and go"
Jr.: "I don't know how..."
Dad: "Just like at home... don't pee on your lift ticket!"

I got off to a rough start this morning by leaving my poles at home. $5 at the rental shop fixed that.

The sun was hot when by the time I geared up and got to the top of the hill. After two runs I was sweat'n bullets and went in to ditch a layer. A couple of runs after that and the sun disappeared behind some thick Northwest cloundage. I was freezing.

And so it went all day. No poles. Too hot. Too cold. Line around the block at the men's room. Packed lodge. Lift lines (some as long as 5 minutes!) Everyone was trying to get a taste of last week's fresh, I guess.

It's almost enough to make a guy swear off weekend skiing.

December 4th, Days skied: 7.


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