06 January 2006

Dude! Let's party.. and shit!

I was eating lunch in a blissfully empty weekday ski lodge and catching up on some reading when a group of four 20-somethings sat down at the table right behind me. And when I say right behind me, I mean they had to move their chairs to squeeze in around me. I was an uninvited, and somewhat dissatisfied, guest at their table. Did I mention the lodge was EMPTY? Having been thoroughly distracted from my reading I did the next best thing, I pulled out my notepad and started taking notes on their conversation. I'll trim the fat and leave you with the white meat:

"Dude, that jacket kind of makes you look like a girl and shit. No, no, not that that's a bad thing, I'm not trying to insult you, or shit."

"Dude, Outback has the best clam chowder. They cut up the clams real small, not like those big ones and shit."

"Dude, I know why you don't drink. You always pass out and look all Christopher Reeve and shit."


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