04 January 2006

Hop on the bus, Gus... but don't forget your fucking goggles!

After leaving behind everything from my poles, to my pass, to my iPod I've resorted to using a checklist in the form of an index card attached to my windshield visor. This has saved me various levels of discomfort several times already.

It looks like it's time to add another index card checklist to the underside of my car's trunk.

As I was packing up my kit this morning, I saw the shuttle bus blundering down the road so I quickly locked my car and ran for the bus stop. The fucker didn't see me. Or if he did, he didn't stop - double fucker. So I stood around for 5 minutes. Thinking. About nothing. Dead air. Finally, a mountain worker in a pickup drove by and offered me a lift. Not 10 feet down the road, it dawned on me that I'd left both my hat AND goggles in the car. I didn't have the heart to tell the guy to stop and let my dumb ass out of the truck.

As we got out, the guy pointed to the truck next to his, grinned and said "Check it out, that's a U.S. Government truck. There's a snowboard in the front seat. That's not right, is it'?" Haha. Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen.

So I stood there at the stairs up to the lifts wondering what I should do about my hat and goggles. Well, really, I wondering if the pickup guy was out of sight so I could safely get on the shuttle to go back to my car.

But I did have my sunglasses in my pack, so I decided to try a few runs with those before going on the round-trip of humiliation. The wind pretty near froze my ears off, but my jacket storm hood held enough warmth to thaw them out. I skied that way all day. It was definitely a 'hat and goggles' day, though.

The conditions were great. On top of the 7 or 8 inches yesterday, we got 5 or 6 inches of powder over night. The temps were very cool, so the powder was about as light as we're likely to see around here. I took one run off into a little powder stash in the trees where I promptly dug myself out a giant white crater. I got up on my one ski and put down my pole to get my balance - it sank in down to my ankle. Deep powder, and sunshine most of the day.

I would really like to get a small digital camera to record some of these moments for you guys. But I'm spending all my money skiing. So go ahead and ask me for my PayPal address if you'd like to contribute to the camera fund. I'll post some pics of my skis skimming through ankle deep snow.

January 4th, Days skied: 14


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