25 September 2005

Writers on the Storm

So I watched the season premier of Gray's Anatomy tonight. This television show is set in Seattle and I have issues. Naturally, it's pouring rain in every outdoor scene. Because that's what it does in Seattle - rain. All the time, right?!. According to the show, there are thunderstorms in Seattle that rival those in the Transylvania of every garden variety Dracula movie. Because what would rain be without a good bolt of lightning to spark things up?! Also in the strange strange world of Grey's grey Seattle, the crickets are wild ass motherfuckers. They're going OFF; creaking.. and cracking.. and creaking some more. They all but drown out the sound of the pouring rain and thundering lightning storms!

If anyone reads this and knows someone who knows someone who works on the show.... please tell them that it doesn't POUR rain in Seattle. Never. It drizzles a lot, but only during the winter. Also, there are no thunder storms in Seattle. Ever. Well, okay, we have one every couple of years. But basically, no. No pouring rain, no thunder. Also, about the crickets, and you really shouldn't need me to tell you this, but they NEVER creak and crack in the middle of torrential down-pouring thunderstorms. Not in Seattle - not anywhere!


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