16 September 2005

Now's the time, the time is now, to ramble on...

What is the statute of limitations on helping your friends move?

I'm 38 years old now. Back when my friends and I were younger (say, 20), moving was mostly a matter of throwing a couch, a coffee table, and a couple of garbage bags full of dirty laundry on a pickup truck and badda-bing, badda-boom you're moved. How old do you and your friends have to be, or how much money do you have to have, before it's no longer appropriate for you to ask each other for help moving?

By the time a guy reaches my advanced age, he tends to either be homeless or have a whole lot of stuff. There's very little middle ground. Even if he has cheap stuff, he probably has a lot of it. Unless he lives on a boat. But if he lives on a boat moving mostly takes care of itself, doesn't it? Anyway, my point is this: moving, say, all your stuff, plus your wife's stuff, plus the stuff related to your two children is a lot of work. Is it acceptable to ask your friends to help with this kind of epic mobilization?

There's also a kind of insidious inverse ratio at work here. The older you get, the more stuff you have to move and the less willing and able you are to move stuff - even the stuff you would have if you weren't as old as you are.

So people. If you have a lot of stuff, and your friends are old, and you have the financial resources to do so then please HIRE SOME FUCKING MOVERS YOU CHEAP BASTARDS!


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