20 September 2005

I Am Your Father, Luke

The approaching ski season is on my mind these days. Last season was largely a bust, what with the poor snowfall in the Northwest... and the accident.

What accident? WHAT ACCIDENT?! In Summit County, Colorado, on the first day of a week long ski trip, I was buzzing along making some real pretty high-speed perfectly carved turns when I tripped over an edge and SLAMMED onto my front side. A secret pact between the fall, a large plastic buckle on my pack, and the Dark Side lead to a couple of cracked ribs.

The altitude in Summit County is roughly 9000 feet above sea level, so anything that impedes your breathing can easily cause hypoxia - altitude sickness. I went to the clinic sick to my stomach from hypoxia and with enough pain to want to punch someone - if only I could swing without moving. I left with a case of Vicodin and my own personal oxygen machine with a Darth Vader speech impediment. For most of the week I wheeled my Darth Vader machine around the condo with a tube tethering it to my nose. Sucked.

So here's to a better tomorrow!


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